Tokenomics development
with Ptoken
Financial model
Financial model
This entails how the token will function within the financial system of your project. For example, the token can be used as a means of payment within the project's ecosystem. It can also be used as shares to enable you to allocate and distribute funds between depositors.
Token design
Token design
The token can either be inflationary or deflationary. Or it can be utility or security. It all depends on the goal of your project. In addition, developers can create a BEP-20 or ERC-20 compliant token model if the project is built on either Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain or any other blockchaih.
Token economy
Token economy
Token economy describes how the token will function within the financial system of your project. For example, the token can be used as a means of payment within the project's ecosystem. It can also be used as shares to enable you to allocate and distribute funds between depositors.
Smart contract
Smart contract
The smart contract feature is a self-executing program between transacting parties within the project's ecosystem. You can also design it to control and execute other relevant processes within the project automatically.
Features of Tokenomics creation
Every great tokenomics creation has fundamental attributes that help explain all about the token for your project thoroughly.
Financial model calculation
potential revenue, expenses, and profit/loss predictions.
Token type determination
find the best token type that perfectly aligns with your project goals.
Token application
to find the best utility for the token within the system for users to execute transactions or make a purchase
Token disctribution
token allocation for sale and for the projects needs: development, marketing, team and advisers.
Comprehensive token model
complete analysis of the economy of the token within the ecosystem of your project.
Smart contract development
basis for the transference and distribution of the token for the blockchain project.
Tokenomics development packages
Tokenomics audit
- Audit of the Tokenomics of the project: Token design, token distribution, allocation and other parameters
- Output guidelines how to improve and build The Tokenomics in accordance with industry standrads.
- Validation of the Tokenomics with industry experts, our partner crypto funds and blockchain community
from $10,000 -
Full tokenomics development
- Development of the token concept: Equity, Asset Reserve or Debt Token.
- Development of the tokenization solution in a format which best suits the Project.
- Development of the token economy for utility or security whichever required by the system.
from $15,000 -
Dual-token models
- Development of the Dual-token concept: Utility token with the Security token(Equity, Asset Reserve or Debt Token).
- Development of the tokenization solution in a format which best suits the Project.
- Development of the token economy for utility or security whichever required by the system.
from $20,000
Tokenomics audit
- Audit of the Tokenomics of the project: Token design, token distribution, allocation and other parameters
- Output guidelines how to improve and build The Tokenomics in accordance with industry standrads.
- Validation of the Tokenomics with industry experts, our partner crypto funds and blockchain community
Estimate timeframes: 1-2 weeks
Full tokenomics development
- Development of the token concept: Equity, Asset Reserve or Debt Token.
- Development of the tokenization solution in a format which best suits the Project.
- Development of the token economy for utility or security whichever required by the system.
- Writeup the tokenomics basis for the further White Paper development
- Validation of the Tokenomics with industry experts, our partner crypto funds and blockchain community
- Estimate timeframes: 2-3 weeks
Dual-token models
- Development of the Dual-token concept: Utility token with the Security token(Equity, Asset Reserve or Debt Token).
- Development of the tokenization solution in a format which best suits the Project.
- Development of the token economy for utility or security whichever required by the system.
- Writeup the tokenomics basis for the further White Paper development
- Validation of the Tokenomics with industry experts, our partner crypto funds and blockchain community
- Estimate timeframes: 2-3 weeks
Selected cases
We are highly selective with the projects we work with because PToken always delivers the best at all times. We understand that the success of your project is also our success.
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Tokenomics development for blockchain projects
Every investor wants to have a good understanding of the financial system of your blockchain project. The project tokenization explains how users can use the coins or tokens as a means of investment, ecosystem governance, and utility. With tokenization, you can let investors know how they can benefit from the financial system of the project. The tokens can be distributed as shares and converted into monetary units for investors. A whitepaper for blockchain projects cannot be complete without detailed tokenomics.
Tokenomics shows the underlying mechanics of how the token works and the economic factors that could affect its value in the long term. It underscores the supply and demand of the crypto asset. There are many things to consider when reading through the tokenomics of a token. The most important is the application of the token either within the ecosystem of the project or outside it. Other essential components include;
- The number of tokens in total supply
- What is the token model (deflationary/inflationary)?
- The token distribution
- What is the business scope of the token?
- The governance of the token
Tokenomics development and consulting for your crypto project can also show the implication of price stability. Price fluctuations can significantly diminish the interest of investors in the project. With tokenomics, you can show investors that there are enough tokens to match supply levels, thereby mitigating price fluctuations. Arguably the most important purpose for the development of tokenomics is to entice investors with the token's potential. Getting it right is integral to the success of the overall project.
Inflationary tokens have no maximum supply. Therefore, people can mine it none stop. It is the opposite for deflationary tokens that have a limited supply. A good team of professionals will guide you on the best suited token model to adopt for your project.