Symbiosis finance

Symbiosis is a decentralized multi-chain liquidity protocol. It allows users to swap assets between all the blockchains while remaining the sole owners of the funds.

What is Symbiosis

Symbiosis is a decentralized multi-chain liquidity protocol. It allows users to swap assets between all the blockchains while remaining the sole owners of the funds.

The Symbiosis protocol meets the following requirements:

  • Simple, Uniswap like user experience

    No additional wallets, long waiting time, or extra steps to proceed with a swap.

  • Fully decentralized

    No central party can stop the Symbiosis protocol or censor users from accessing it.

  • Interoperable

    It connects every blockchain that gets enough market attention. Our ultimate goal is to bridge

    all networks together.

  • Non-Custodial

    No one (including the Symbiosis team) has access to users' funds.

  • Limitless cross-chain liquidity

    It targets as many token pairs as possible across all blockchains while providing the best prices for swaps between any arbitrary token pair.

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